lundi, 08 janvier 2018 09:32

Does Qatar finance terrorism?

isisThe issue of terrorist financing has been at the heart of the Gulf crisis since late June 5th. In the eye of the storm, Qatar has been criticized in recent years for its benevolent policy towards radical Sunni groups, including Jabhat al-Nusra, the Syrian branch of al-Qaeda. What exactly are these accusations based on? To clarify things, Qatar Observatory offers this analysis, initially published on the orientxxi website, by providing precise answers to this crucial issue in international relations.

Since the series of attacks that hit several Western countries from January 2015, many analysts and politicians have felt obliged to attribute the proliferation of jihadist-inspired terrorism to Qatar. Although regularly placed on the list of suspects, Saudi Arabia has taken over this story to justify the ground and air embargo and the multiple sanctions against his little neighbor.

Publié dans Politique